10 Things for which I’m Thankful

Lately life has been a bit perplexing to me…I would imagine a lot of people feel the same. It seems most of this anxiety revolves around the economy and job market. I realize now how much my ego was tied to my job, even a job I didn’t really like doing that much. Many of us are navigating through tricky waters now as we realize that employers are squeezing more work out of us for less money, if we are even fortunate enough to have a job at all. Many of us are changing jobs (either voluntarily like myself or involuntarily) and find our minds shifting focus to other parts of our lives: family, spiritual health, artistic pursuits. For me, I am finding that I must let go of the past and look to the future. I must be brave, flexible, patient and creative.

This isn’t the most revolutionary exercise, but try writing down the 10 things you are most thankful for, and see if you don’t feel better afterward!

1) I am thankful for an innate and unshakable sense of humor and wonder at people and the world at large.
2) I am thankful for a patient, sensitive, caring, strong, intelligent, funny and responsible husband, who is also my best friend.
3) I am thankful that my Dad has a wonderful companion in his life, financial security and excellent health (for his age).
4) I am thankful for an incredibly inspiring and supportive network of friends worldwide!
5) I am thankful for my excellent health.
6) I am thankful for a day job that, while often frustrating or seemingly silly at times, allows me to work on something fun with good and kind people and pays decently.
7) I am thankful for the ability to go write a song and live in that special secret creative world of my own.
8) I am thankful that there are so many things in life that give me joy that I can do until the day I die: music, yoga, food, the outdoors, travel, books, animals.
9) I am thankful for the wonderful and unique parents that raised me to be a decent human being… who values friends and privileges, who hopes for a just world in which people can have a decent life for honest work.
10) I am thankful for the courage I have had to walk away from people or situations in my life that were not healthy, and to walk into new and wonderful chapters of my life.

McKenna Rowe is the Founder of Chakra 5 Mobile Yoga, an experienced team of corporate yoga instructors that provides mobile yoga classes on location and by appointment at businesses, schools and organizations throughout greater Los Angeles. Call us to start your corporate wellness program today: 310-853-3885.

McKenna Rowe is the Founder of Chakra 5 Mobile Yoga, an experienced team of corporate yoga instructors that provides mobile yoga classes on location and by appointment at businesses, schools and organizations throughout greater Los Angeles. Call us to start your corporate wellness program today: 310-853-3885.