Recipe: Avocado Date Smoothie

Recipe: Avocado Date Smoothie

Want a quick, cheap and easy smoothie recipe that is pure power fuel for your brain….and something even your little kiddos will love?  How about an Avocado-Date Smoothie?

Some people are still new to the concept of putting avocados in smoothies.  I was a little scared myself at first.  The key is making sure you get good quality avocados and use them when they’re JUST starting to get slightly soft.  They shouldn’t be so ripe that they mush right up…those taste too vegetal and are more appropriate for guacamole.  In this smoothie recipe, they serve the purpose of adding a delightful, pudding-like texture and a big boost of oleic acid, which is a perfect food for your brain.  Why?  Oleic acid helps make up a material in the brain called myelin.  Myelin is a coating of insulation around the white matter of the brain.  Brain matter without myelin is called grey matter.  Myelin helps neurons in your brain travel up to 200 mph!

I  live in Southern California, with easy access to spectacular avocados, almonds and dates.  And I’ve been getting all three lately from a fantastic new CSA (community supported agriculture) called Good Eggs.  Good Eggs is a collective of local, artisan food producers and I have to say the food is the most delicious, fresh and unique of all the CSAs I’ve tried (and cancelled).

Start with a cup of almond milk and toss it in the blender.  The recipe below includes pre-made almond milk.  Sorry to disappoint the purists out there, but it’s not always convenient for me to make my own almond milk.  I think Califia makes a wonderful brand that’s big on flavor and low on sugar/preservatives:


Chop 5 dates (you can use medjool or I used honey dates from Davall):



You can throw them in as is if you want yummy, chewy bits of date in your smoothie, or you can soak in hot water to soften/make more blendable.



Add 1/2 large avocado or 1 small avocado.  I love the Fuertes Avocados I’ve been getting from Mud Creek Ranch!



just use a large spoon to scoop out the flesh.  add a handful of ice cubes and blend on high for 30-60 seconds.


Walla!  A wonderful smoothie…particularly in the morning to soothe your stomach and feed your brain for the busy day ahead.


McKenna Rowe is the Founder of Chakra 5 Mobile Yoga, an experienced team of corporate yoga instructors that provides mobile yoga classes on location and by appointment at businesses, schools and organizations throughout greater Los Angeles. Call us to start your corporate wellness program today: 310-853-3885.

McKenna Rowe is the Founder of Chakra 5 Mobile Yoga, an experienced team of corporate yoga instructors that provides mobile yoga classes on location and by appointment at businesses, schools and organizations throughout greater Los Angeles. Call us to start your corporate wellness program today: 310-853-3885.